Gerris Corp

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Online Universe Creation

Marketing to the entire internet is impossible. This is why it is important to define your target audience and determine ways to find that audience while being open to the many and evolving ways of accessing online communities.

For example, do not limit your concept of the internet to the “blogosphere” and to allow the community to include message boards, wikis, social networks, social bookmarking sites, email lists, podcasts, vlogs, forums, IRC, SMS, IM, MMORPGs, Webcasts, Skypecasts, groups, online video games, 3-D virtual worlds (such as Second Life).

While exploring the blogosphere, take note of the sites that often discuss your company’s business. Keep a spreadsheet to track the blog name, blog URL, and a short description. A universe should ideally include blogs, message boards, social networks, and social bookmarking sites.

After an initial universe is developed, be sure to join any blogs, message boards, social networks, and social bookmarking sites that may require registration and be sure to record the logins and passwords in cells in your universe.