Gerris Corp

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Online Intelligence, Metrics, and Reporting Services

Tracking and monitoring the online reputation of your brand, company, product, and services on your behalf, as a way of keeping track of conversation real-time.  Unless reporting is explicitly agreed to, this "open source intelligence" will be monitored for content, friendliness, and threat. Any and all threats are triaged and reported to the the appropriate client point of contact.

Gerris retains a suite of tools, algorithms, and strategies that allow us to provide you and your client with bona fide measurements, including reach, tone, and sentiment.  This suite of tools allow us to create illustrative proof, over time, of the efficacy of the campaign from the launch and over time.  This level of metrics allows us to compete with PPC and SEM and other metric-based advertising strategies.

Intelligence plus metric plus time equals reports. Client and campaign reporting is something that needs to be defined and agreed to in advance of the camapaign because reports are not built into the capaign but are a la carte and you get to define the specificity and granularity of the reporting.  Generally, reports are done bi-weekly or monthly, usually intersperced with weekly updates and "as needed" alerts.