Gerris Corp

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Twitter Community Management Services

Twitter is not a broadcast medium, it is a community-prospecting platform.  In order for the entire community to take shape and take bloom, one needs to not simply register an account, one needs to design, populate, and then prospect followers before there can be any real growth. 

Twitter community-building

This community-building leverages both our collected contacts and current community relationships as well as several tools that we use to help promote and grow online reputation and growth of your Twitter online reputation.  In other words, like everything online, if you build it they won't come.  Building it is a start, if course, but unless you're Oprah or Ashton Kutcher, there is a lot of work and a lot of building, promotion, and prospecting required, and that is what Gerris can do for you.

Twitter posts

Twitter has become an essential part of online branding. Companies, celebrities, brands, and even fictional entities have been leveraging the ease-of-use and the simplicity of Twitter to both communication with current and potential customers as well as being able to engage and respond to user question, user requests, and user responses.  However, it isn't as simple as posting status updates to Twitter regularly.  In our process, we work with the client to come up with 25-100 pre-approved "tweets" that the client can approve, veto, or edit.  Over time, Gerris is able to message on behalf of you, the client, with messages that are consistent with client vision. After that, the messages are delivered to the Twitter stream with an approved-to frequency, from once-per-day to a couple posts to multiple-posts-per-day, with the frequency according to the scope of the contract.  During this process, it is also important -- essential -- to trust the Twitter team to be able to triage all replies and direct messages on behalf of the client -- or, there needs to be a rapid process to triage replies and direct messages through the client.  As the campaign moves forward, the evolution of the campaign can change to offer more and more independence to the Twitterer.

Twitter Retweets

The secret sauce of Twitter is retweeting (retweet (RT) a) to copy a tweet and then send it again on twitter. b) passing along of messages in Twitter) Retweeting is the epitome of what makes Twitter such a powerful tool. 

Retweeting allows Twitterers to repeat content from one Twitter stream they're following onto all of their own followers.  Writing compelling tweets is what organically can result in retweets down the Twitter stream; however, it is also important to use Retweets as a form of reciprocal currency. Retweeting someone else's tweet can engender attention or connection and build social equity within the "Twitterverse." 

In addition to intentionally retweeting on a client's behalf, one of the benefits of running your Twitter campaign through Gerris is that you are able to instantaneously have all of your client tweets retweeted through not only our staff's Twitter accounts but through all the status-update social network sites our staff is a member of. 

This allows our clients an automatically enter the conversation well-in-advance of their earned reputation online.

Twitter message modeling

In our process, we work with the client to come up with 25-100 pre-approved "tweets" that the client can approve, veto, or edit.  Over time, Gerris is able to message on behalf of you, the client, with messages that are consistent with client vision. After that, the messages are delivered to the Twitter stream with an approved-to frequency, from once-per-day to a couple posts to multiple-posts-per-day, with the frequency according to the scope of the contract.