Markets are Conversation

Markets are conversations. Conversations are two-way. Since you are what you do and say online and since you will be judge on your reputation and follow-through, it is important.

Being open and authentic is step one of who you are, step two is being available to respond to questions, comments, and criticism.

No matter how sweet, open, earnest, and bespoke your message, if you fire-and-forget while messaging online and don’t follow-up and actually engage in the conversation and follow-up, then you might have an online reputation, but it won’t be good.

Becoming an opinion leader online requires becoming part of a community – being invested and engaged.

Don't Be Seduced by the Lure of Astroturfing

whenever you engage the Internet on behalf if a company or organization, you are acting as a brand ambassador. If someone is curious as to who you are and why you’re so passionate about an event, product, or service, the understanding is that they will pretty easily be able to find out that you’re a marketing professional.

For some, that is enough. Legally-speaking, it is enough. In terms of building a long-term relationship with your current, future, or present customers, hiding your identity as a professional marketer in the folds of your online profile may be considered deceitful.

You may be attracted to covert online marketing: special ops, black ops, spycraft – “fifth column marketing,” if you will. Don’t be.

The blowback that can result from using a false name, a false email (a Yahoo, Google, or Hotmail address created for the campaign and the false name), and a false bio, isn’t worth it.

There is a term for shooting for the short term by being opaque in your intent, no matter how effective it may be: astroturfing, which “describes formal public relations campaigns which seek to create the impression of being a spontaneous, grassroots behavior.”

Accusations of astroturfing can compromise the integrity of the organization you are representing, and further put your ability to communicate future messages in danger.

Over the short term, pretending to be just another denizen of an online community or a blog works if you can pull it off. It isn’t tough to sneak in and talk, talk, talk.

Even though your reputation online is more defined by your contributions to the conversations rather than who you are, the culture of the Internet doesn’t suffer being fooled, duped, or suckered.

If you are ever found out, you are screwed.

The Internet is Vastly Hugely Mind-Boggingly Big

To paraphrase The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "You may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to the Internet."

Learning and researching fast, with connections and conversations with the people on the inside, that is the way to understand the part of the internet that is relevant to your work today. We get that knowledge to you - from the brilliant people who are growing the internet, to your brilliant people who will make it work for you.

Some people call it business intelligence. We call it the give and take of real relationships.

Influence the Influencers

There is no way there can be a one-to-one conversation with everyone on the Internet. The ultimate goal of online marketing and online brand promotion is to accurately target your marketing message directly to the people who want and need what you have to sell, and the most efficient way to reach these consumers is to identify and influence the influencers – the men and women of every online community who are popularly understood to be the most credible and reliable members.

Obviously, there is no way there can be a one-to-one conversation with everyone on the Internet. The ultimate goal of online marketing and online brand promotion is to accurately target your marketing message directly to the people who want and need what you have to sell.

The most efficient way to reach these consumers is to identify and influence the influencers – the men and women of every online community who are popularly understood to be the most credible and reliable members.

To reach the influencers one must break the Internet down into communities and conversations, then breaking it down further into influencers and opinion leaders, and then delivering a marketing message that is appealing enough to pursuade these influencers to tell their friends, co-workers, and families.

Campaigns Must Evolve with the Internet

Marketing to the entire Internet is impossible. This is why it is important to define your target audience and determine ways to find that audience while being open to the many and evolving ways of accessing online communities.

For example, do not limit your concept of the Internet to the “blogosphere” and to allow the community to include message boards, wikis, social networks, social bookmarking sites, email lists, podcasts, vlogs, forums, IRC, SMS, IM, MMORPGs, webcasts, skypecasts, groups, online video games, 3-D virtual worlds (such as Second Life).